Today was exciting! I got my first e-mail from a potential employer that saw my resume' on my vet school website (Hire a K-State Grad)! Sometime soon, I hope to have a phone chat with them. I continue to search for the right job that I KNOW is out there for me. Although I am still unsure of what I want to do, I am keeping an open mind and exploring all of my options (small animal, large animal, mixed, birds, cattle, horses, government (i.e. USDA), industry).
In light of my many options and all the indecision surrounding them, I feel compelled to conduct an unofficial poll. :-) Please comment back with your answer to the following 2 questions: 1. If you were a veterinarian, what kind would you like to be? 2. If I were a veterinarian, what kind do you think I would I be?
On a different subject not quite so self-centered...
All of us like to contribute to good causes. Well, I found one that is great! The best part is, you can contribute without spending a penny or any more time than about a minute a day. Go to this site and click where it says "Click to Give" and the sponsors will contribute...all based on the number of clicks! Across the top of the page there are other sites (Hunger, Child Health, Literacy, Rainforest, and Animal Rescue) where you can do the same "Click to Give" with only giving a few moments of your time to make a difference in this world.
Nightly Reading
Christopher: 'Everybody Says' by Bonnie Dobkin
Jonathan: 'Where Did Daddy's Hair Go?' by Joe O'Conner
15 years ago