Why we can't seem to get a handle on Bullying in Schools.
It strikes me odd as to the increased concern over bullying in schools now days. No I am not for bullying in school or out of school, its wrong and it should be dealt with. What gets me is that there seems to be more concern and conversation about bullying and the results seem to be so much more devastating now than when say I was even in school. I rarely remember kids in the news when I was growing up that committed suicide or even half of what kids seem to be dabbling in now days.
I find it kind of funny in a skewed way that the same people who are trying to fix the situation were either bullied or was the bully growing up. Even today in the adult arena it seems that they never out grew that phase, looking at what people post online to what they say to your face. Intimidation rules and who ever comes across more intimidating is going to reign supreme. Whether the arena is work, school, or politics. Intimidation = bully.
I wonder how our children are going to learn not to bully when even in the adult world, workplace, we have laws specifically written for bullying. Why because even as adults we still bully like we did back in school. We have to put in special protection for whistle blowers so that they can avoid being harassed for doing the right thing. Sexual harassment, intimidation mentioned early, and plain old harassment. Healthy organizations will do all they can to eliminate these bully's from the workplace but it is difficult to do.
It says in scripture the sins of a father will fall upon his children and it would seem that is quite accurate in society today. Until the adults of our generation grow up and learn to stop bullying, attacking, and treating people wrongly, and start following the golden rule and seeking to be community minded and less individually minded our children and our schools will never change.
Change we can believe in is change in which we can see. If our children see us treating others with respect in all areas of our lives, they will get the idea and do the same.
For role models in our society we need to expect more, we have far to long let those in the spotlight lead lives of delinquency and expected our children to ignore their life style of stage, while praising their accomplishments on stage. For those in the public arena I say through the book at them so that good and wholesome role models will emerge. These people should be held to a higher standard because they are the face of what young people see and aspire to be like. If superstar does drugs, it's OK if I do drugs. If superstar beats people, it's OK if I beat people. If superstar commits suicide, it's OK if I commit suicide. So on, and so on, and so on.
It starts at home, adults, parents need to be role models in all aspects of their life because their children learn by the examples they set as to what to do as the next generation of parents. Next its community, schools, public office, everyone in these areas must be held accountable for their actions both in the public eye and out of the public eye. Lastly the icons need to be to the highest standard and no leniency should be allowed, if they break the law and are guilty, they should get the maximum penalty.
Nightly Reading
Christopher: 'Everybody Says' by Bonnie Dobkin
Jonathan: 'Where Did Daddy's Hair Go?' by Joe O'Conner
15 years ago
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